St. Patty's Design

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Is it too Early?

So, I'm pregnant.  It isn't any kind of secret but for some reason I feel like I should wait to post about it because I'm not too far along (about 2 months).  For the first time in a long while, I felt like updating the blog with pictures (I have a ton) and doing it right but Jason has the camera!  So you just get my words...  I actually hardly ever feel like doing anything and I took a glorious 3.5 hour nap today so I'm feeling good!

I took Whitney's pre-school friends up to Bridal Veil Falls today for a short hike and lunch and lots of nature viewing.  We made bug motels and looked through our toilet paper roll eye scopes at all the surrounding wonder.  I actually had a great time.  I expected at least one of the kids to get pooped out and not want to hike anymore and I struggled keeping up with them instead!  The trees changing color up the canyon was gorgeous to behold.  The kids noticed so many things and I was grateful for the reminder of all the wonders they see.  We moms sometimes miss out just seeing the path and worrying about lunch.

Miss Haylee is getting her 2 year molars and she can tell you right where it hurts.  She is tough though and I like that she's a little more cuddly than normal.  She wants to be a big girl and do everything that Whitney is doing.  She always counts in spanish... kind of cracks me up.

So, since I've still got another month and a half of nausea, I'm looking for any suggestions people have to deal with it.  I'm doing better now than I was a few weeks ago, but it is still ever present...


Carolyn and Mark said...

Congrats on being pregnant!! The first 4 months are very hard for me. My doctor had to put me on meds and that helped. So my advice is talk to your doctor and get on something. if it doesnt work, they can put you on something else. Other things I did was eat light foods. Dry cereal is a for every meal and I'll drink juice. Hope that helps!

Lisa said...

Wow, congrats! That's awesome news!

I love that you took a group of pre-schoolers on a hike. You're a brave woman! Bridal Veil Falls is gorgeous, and I'm glad you all had a great time. :)

Kara said...

Congrats! I'm so happy for you! I did the half a unisom and a vitamin B6 every day which helped with the actual throwing up but not so much the nausea...but it might work for you. Hope it doesn't last too long!

And you're pretty amazing to go hiking with little ones! I'm too lazy and way too paranoid :).

JeNnA said...

The little trip with the kids sounds fun!
Hey do you want those teething peels?
LOL I love that Haylee counts in Spanish! totally awesome!!! I hope that peppermint keeps working!!

Angela said...

Hooray! We are so excited for you guys. Glad the hike turned out well. We have so many little hikes around here, but I haven't dared go with my little ones. Maybe it is not such a bad idea. Thanks for the motivation.

B Wed said...

Yea!!! Congrats you guys. We are excited for you! Good luck with the nausea..that's never fun but worth it in the end. Right? :)

Melanie and Jared said...

Congrats! I am always on zofran, but I am still waaayyy nauseous. It just inspires me to have less kids. Good luck getting through the sick and tired stage, it is awful.

The Whites said...

Congrats! So excited for you guys! Hope all is well! I haven't blogged in forever, it was fun to catch up on your blog!

BrooksBlog said...

Congrats!!!! Another supper cute baby in the world! Im sorry you are sick! Thats the WORST!!!! Hang in there!!

Kierstin said...

Can't wait to see this guys have such cute kids!!!