St. Patty's Design

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Fall Trees!

I spent twenty minutes tonight walking around the path in front of our house.  The girls were asleep and I went outside to get the garbage can off the street and it felt great outside!  I haven't been able to go walking much as we are having all kinds of irritations with our stroller tires going flat and it was so nice to just walk.

My two AP classes both bombed their first test.  The scary thing is I don't think it is going to get any better.  I just hope I can find a way to use these super hard tests to help them learn more.  Needless to say, I'm hearing some complaining.  Anyone have the 5.0 system in high school?  Did it make getting a B in an AP class more bearable?

Anyway, just wanted to let the world know that I am still alive and kicking!


JeNnA said...

Oh dang, they bombed??? You're flipping awesome though, so you'll be able to help them all get at least a B in the class!!!!! :)

Lisa said...

I miss all the fall colors! Enjoy them. :)