St. Patty's Design

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Go 2011!!

So I keep having these days full of bad luck! Last week, I slipped on ice and fell all the way down with poor Haylee. Luckily she didn't get hurt. That same morning, I shut my lanyard that has my keys on it in our front door after it was locked and tried to unlock it but the key wouldn't reach. While I was pulling it out of the door, I broke a key ring!

Today I did the same thing except I broke the key when I was trying to unlock it. Finally, I had to man handle the lanyard to pull it out. I talked to Jason about it this afternoon and he said, "Maybe next time you can take the key off the ring and just unlock it." That had never occurred to me! Is he brilliant or am I not so... I checked the mail today and the calendar that I ordered for my parents and my family came yesterday. My parents left this morning before I found the calendars... Not only that but about 3 days after I ordered the them, I saw a coupon for a free calendar from the same company! Man, just a little slow on the uptake.

We can't park in front of our apartment because the snow has all turned to ice on the road and is way too high to even drive on... I called the city to see if they could help and they said they broke a plow trying to do that last week so we should just go get a pick ax and get to work if we want to park there. It is such a pile of snow/ice that it will be there until April unless we move it..

I'm reading a parenting book and a chapter was about anger management. It says not to vent because you get yourself worked back up and I think that's what I'm doing to my cyber world so I guess I can think of some positive things to say now.

Haylee can almost sing "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star". I may be the only one who can understand her but it sounds so cute! Whitney is tracing letters and so stinking smart that I'm sure she'll be reading early whether or not I help her... Well, kind of a weak attempt at being positive but it's the best I can do!


Kierstin said...

I enjoyed reading it

B Wed said...

Off to a great start I see! :) Haha. Don't worry I'm sure things will look up. It's not an omen or anything! Maybe when the snow is melted we'll come up for a like in June!

Kim and company said...

Girl you are cute! Keep up the good work! Sorry about your key fiasco---what a slice of life!

Carrie said...

I love reading your blog. It's like a novel. Hope you all are doing well!