St. Patty's Design

Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas Dresses

We only used our camcorder on Christmas so no stills for that one but I got some good pictures the next day. The girls slept by each other the whole time we were in St. George. I thought this was precious. Grandma Fazzio got them these matching pajamas which I thought were so cute!

We got these dresses a few days before Christmas from my Grandma Cahoon (Rollins) and Whitney had to put it on right then. She begged every day to wear it but I told her she had to wait until we went to church. She also got that little necklace from her daddy for Christmas and was pumped to get to wear it as well.
Yes the dresses match also which I love but it turns out I shouldn't get everything matching because I think little Haylee will get bitter about wearing the same dress every two years... Her wardrobe will be on repeat... I don't care about that for these dresses though. I think they are fabulous!

I took two individual pictures and got a good one of each of them easily but put them together and it took about 10 pictures and this was the best I got! It was Haylee's first Sunday in nursery and Whitney's last. I'm kind of bummed that they won't be able to spend more time together but excited for Miss Whitney to be a sunbeam! And crazy excited about Haylee being in nursery! I'm guaranteed at least 10 months of peace for part of church. (That's the soonest we could have a baby if we decided to...) Amazing.

Well, just like every year, I can't believe the generosity of my family and friends. We are really blessed and ready for a new year! Goodbye 2010 and hello 2011!! The best is yet to come!


Becky said...

unless you get called to be a sunbeam teacher.... :)

Melanie and Jared said...

I loooove the picture of them sleeping. So cute!

Angela said...

Great pictures! You are good at being a "girl" mom (a mom to girls). They always look so cute and dressed up. I'm afraid poor Brooklyn only gets dressed nicely on Sunday and sometimes not even that.

Kim said...

Your girls are darling! We miss you in Washougal!