St. Patty's Design

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


I actually took some! I didn't know it until I checked the memory card. Our camera is dead I think. We're looking for a new one if anyone has any advice... I have no idea what to look for. I'm sure Jason is a little more informed.

These are the typical photo shoots. If both girls are supposed to be in the same picture, it is almost impossible to get them to cooperate...

These ones are the girls eating apples. We like to split one almost every day. Delicious!

The little boy is Maxwell. I watch him for his mom on Mondays and Wednesdays. My big break is when they get to watch a show in the afternoon. I think it's funny when they all line up on the table like this. They are so engrossed. Today they all took a nap at the same time. I didn't know what to do with myself!

Whitney got this puzzle for Christmas and she loves to put it together. Good purchase Santa... Here's a funny story about her. We have guitar hero and on the front is a scantily clad woman with a large chest. Whitney grabbed the case one day and said, "She has a bigger bra than you mommy." I said something about how they are called breasts/boobs and hers are bigger than mine. Whitney asked, "When will your boobs grow bigger?" Hmmm... I said that when I have a baby, sometimes mine fill up with milk and get bigger, but other than that, they're done growing. Then she said, "It's kind of weird to talk about your boobs." I said, "Yeah cause they are private parts." Then we moved on to talk about how pretty her red dress was. Awesome mom/daughter talk. It is hard to talk about that stuff, but I want her to ask me questions if she has them so I tried to make sure she knew she could.

Funny Haylee in the drawer...

Jason had to take a Chinese oral proficiency test last week and we were so nervous about it cause he hasn't really used his Chinese much since his mission 7.5 years ago. He did great! He scored well above what he needed for admission into BYU and I felt hopeful. Turns out hope and patience are hard for me. I get frustrated by my circumstances so easily and my reservoir of hope (that I think I should have for bad circumstances) is not full... or maybe doesn't even exist. We've been waiting every spring since 2006 to hear back from different applications (school & job) and every year we've been disappointed. I hope BYU gives us a break and let's us know soon. Is there a lucky #6?

1 comment:

..telicia.. said...

your girls are getting so big! they're so dang cute! hope you all are doing well. :)