St. Patty's Design

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Deep Thoughts

Not really deep. Turns out I'm just not.. deep.. I really just want to write something on here and post because I'm up really late and the house is quiet and I'd like to talk to someone but it's a little "middle of the night-ish" for a phone call. Maybe I should just write in my journal. I have over 20 journals that I started writing in when I was eight. Turns out I'm the only journal writer in the family and when they talk about not being journal writers, they say things like, "I don't feel like I have anything worthwhile to write," or "who wants to read about my life" or "I wouldn't know which things to write about for my kids" etc. and I think, hmm.. I just do it for myself. In fact, I think I would be quite embarrassed if anyone ever read my journals and if they were ever to be turned into anything published for more than myself to see, I think I'd have to be the editor. All of junior high life would go and people would wonder why there was a mysterious 3 year gap... but then the journals would surface and they would see that all I did was talk about boys and what I wore and what time I got up... really deep.. you know, like me.

I made applesauce, baked bread, and made homemade chicken noodle soup with homemade noodles within 24 hours. I don't know what's happening to me but I don't really mind doing things like that. Let me mention that I don't have a dish washer and having to clean so many extra things makes canned soup look like the perfect meal... I'm also babysitting a friend's little boy twice a week. Do you even know me? Has moving to Utah transformed Amanda Tippetts into someone else? Friends growing up always wanted to hold the babies and I never did until my little nieces and nephews came along and then of course my own fabulous girls. I even go through the ads and find the cheapest of everything and plan meals in advance and I exercise almost every day. Yet I missed feeding the ducks today and then I wonder what else I'm missing. Whoa, too deep.

That's enough. I can't think of anything else to say and I think my brain is turning off. Perhaps this will be deleted come morning time but I had a good time rambling tonight. Go Blogs! I will be heard!


eric said...
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Melanie and Jared said...

I liked your deep thoughts. I can't believe you did all that homemade stuff in a day. I gave my mom a list of reasons why I hadn't gone grocery shopping lately when I had to go buy dinner last night. you are amazing, and domesticated

Kierstin said...

Yeah...good work!

Kim and company said...

Ramble away girl! You are BECOMING! You were already fabulous to begin with---you are just acquiring more talents---more abilities to share and to bless! Way to go girl! Your title photograph is DARLING! Keep up the good work girlie! Hugs to all!

Angela said...

You never cease to amaze me! Being productive has not been my strong point lately. I'm glad you posted. I feel the same a lot. Derek works late and I sit here alone when the kids go to sleep and just want to clear my mind of thoughts, but have no one to tell them to. I often start posts, but end up deleting them. I enjoyed this one. Thanks for sharing.