St. Patty's Design

Thursday, August 19, 2010

3-day Detox & Pictures of course!

So, since my running partner, Tanis, talked about doing a detox, I've been waiting anxiously for no nursing to do it. Last weekend, I did it! For three days, all I ate were raw, organic fruits and vegetables in any form and as much as I wanted. It was hard! I thought it would be no big deal but those raw things did not replace bread and meat! It drove me crazy that I couldn't eat food that I know is good for me when it is just sitting right there in front of me. Unhealthy food was just torture. Though the weight loss was not the goal, it happened naturally. I started out 144 and ended up 138 and I could actually see a difference in my body. I'm back up but I do feel better. I think it is something I could do again but I don't think I'll need to for a while.

Psychologically it was good for me. It helped me think a lot more about what I put in my body. I felt clean and when I started eating regular food again, I really thought about what it was doing for me. I think that if I didn't have all the temptation of my parents house, I would probably have changed my eating habits. But mom cooks really tasty food and has lots of yummy treats around... Maybe next time.

Now I'm just packing away everything. Really missing Jason and putting all my efforts into being ready to move. I keep thinking I've got enough boxes and I'll be done soon but then I fill them all up and have to go diving into cardboard recycling bins again. Yeah, I do that. I really do think I'm close to being done now.
She's posing...Whitney was dancing around singing so Haylee decided to play some back-up sax.
She's doing a commercial or something... Kinds of bad that she's playing with that but it was supervised.
They love the deck. We are going to miss having a yard if we move back into an apartment complex. One perk that I know of when renting a house.


Cami said...

about moving.....get the rubbermaid boxes (the storage bins with lids) and label them. That way when you move over and over like us, you will have boxes and you won't have to go dumpster diving!

Erynn Marie said...

Hey, you're moving? I guess I missed something! Where are you headed?

Amanda Tippetts said...

Well, we thought we were headed to Utah. Jason went down at the beginning of August to get a job and things aren't going great there so we might not stay... We'll see. It's all very up in the air except the part about not living with my parents anymore. We feel like 2 years is long enough... especially for my parents.