St. Patty's Design

Monday, June 11, 2012

Boston Rich Tippetts and other cute pics

So we really have had some great moments in the last little while.  This first picture was at the BYU Museum of Art.  We went there on a preschool field trip and Haylee got to wear glasses which she loved since Whitney and I get to wear them all the time...  I think I had this same pair when I was growing up.  My glasses were so thick and heavy!
 Here is Whitney's last game of soccer.  I asked her to pose and you will see her dance pose and soccer pose are very similar.  By the way, I asked her if she would rather do soccer or dance in the fall.  I don't want to do both because she will be starting Kindergarten and I will be teaching again and I fear the busy-ness of it all.  She chose soccer... YES!!!!  Did I mention and I love being a sports mom and don't like me as dance mom so much?  I do not have to curl her hair for soccer, ever!
 I have to admit that she is a pretty good dancer and she really loves to perform.  She fell asleep at her recital about 10 minutes before her second dance and woke up disoriented back stage having been carried there by grandpa but when she realized that she either had to get out on the stage right then or she was going to miss it, she ran right out (about 30 seconds after her classes' dance started, it was hilarious though it stressed me out when I couldn't see her on stage when they started... everything about dance stressed me out.)
 Cosmo joined the fray at the Provo City Convention Center Grand Opening!!  We scored on candy, free food, and prizes including an essential oils starter kit and free t-shirts.  Woot woot.
 She just looks cute!  My sunglasses fit right over her real glasses...  One thing about having bad eyes is that unless you pay for transition lens or get perscription sunglasses, you pretty much just have to squint in the sun.  I am not quite ready to spend money on that stuff when she is so young and prone to losing/breaking things.  We will pay for lasik surgery when she graduates from college.  I already made Jason promise.  Sorry I gave you my bad eyes, sweet child of mine!
 Jason took Whitney on a daddy-daughter date to see a movie.  She even got her purse, she just doesn't know that most women take their purses to sneak in snacks.  I extra love these moments when I see Jason being an amazing dad and how much my girls adore him.
 Here is proof that I was pregnant.  This was taken the day before I had Boston.  I usually avoid pictures during the pregnancy which isn't hard since I'm the picture taker.
 Here is Boston, ready to head home from the hospital.  This is probably him at his smallest since he wasn't getting much from me yet.  He looks so funny to me!
 Grandpa is the best!  The girls were both huddled behind him wimpering at first but when I asked them to look up and smile, this is what I got.  They realized right then, that riding the motorcycle wasn't scary but awesome...
 Boston weighed in at 10 lbs 10 oz and was 22.25 inches at his 2 week appointment.  The poor boy got circumcised that day too instead of at the hospital.  Jason actually watched which I could not bring myself to do.  He is fine now that it has been a week but the poor boy was hurtin' and didn't have all the pain meds in my milk to help him out like he would have his first week of life.
 The girls just love him.  That's all there is to it.  We all do!


JeNnA said...

I just love this most! I love all the pictures!! Sports mom eh? So fun!! You looked great pregnant. Skinny everywhere but the baby bump. And man he sure is cute! And I also love the moments when daddy takes time out for special time with the kids. Sounds like things are going great!!

Kierstin said...

Haley totally reminds me of Lisa in that last pic. I can't wait to get Westin n soccer!

Kierstin said...


Kara said...

Very cute pics! They are all growing up so fast!

Lisa said...

Dave and I both have bad eyes, so my girls are destined to have glasses, it seems. 2 of the 4 already do!

You have some cute kids. :) I don't know how you do everything plus all the extra-curricular activities. Impressive!

Angela said...

Gosh! Cute, cute, cute. Not much else to say, but I sure love you guys.