St. Patty's Design

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The Routine

I nap.  I nap almost every day.  That is my routine.  Rather pathetic I know but we almost always have something going on in the morning and it is just enough to wipe me out.  I get the nap in and I'm actually an OK mom the rest of the evening.  I don't get the nap and everything drives me nuts and then I feel lame for overreacting.

There was a while there when the nap wanted to happen at about 10 AM.  So, sleep while I teach Statistics or right when Whitney needed to be at school?  Luckily, I went to the doctor for one of my prenatal visits and through a routine blood test, they figured out that I'm slightly anemic which explained some of the exhaustion.  I don't mind if there is something wrong with me as long as there is a relatively simple solution like taking an iron supplement.

So as long as I sit down and put my feet up when the varicose veins start to hurt, grab a Tums when the heartburn kicks in, remember to take my vitamins, and nap, I am a pretty happy pregnant lady.  I made a paper chain tonight to count down...  It just happens that the last final at the high school is May 16th, graduation for preschool is the 17th (I'm in charge) and my official due date is the 18th so I'm really counting down to the end of my life as I know it.  If I really have my baby that week, the next week will be completely different for me.  Kind of exciting.  Kind of scary.

Last summer, when we were structure free, I got kind of depressed.  I think most of the time you can't really tell you are depressed until you aren't depressed anymore.  So, I am kind of anticipating a little struggle this summer and I am so thankful that my parents will be around at the beginning to help with it all.  Plus, Whitney is such a great helper.  She really is becoming my little pal.

Today, Haylee was extra cuddly and I loved just holding her.  For a while, Whitney was leaning on me too and I felt pretty lucky.  On Sunday, we were sitting out on our front porch and Haylee kept running and jumping in front of the people who were walking by and posing.

When we read scriptures at night, Whitney started this thing where she sings her verse into her little play microphone and now they want to keep reading so they can keep singing.  I also have them stand on a chair and pretend they are in Primary and I whisper their verse and they think it is so fun.

Thanks Angela for getting me to write another post.  Every time I sit down to do it, I don't have anything to write.  I still feel that way tonight so this is the best I could come up with.  I read all these other blogs and I am kind of amazed at how these women can write about normal things and make them interesting.  Way to go ladies.  Maybe I'll learn the art someday.  I try to at least not bore myself... hence the lack of posts...


JeNnA said...

I loved the post! Thanks for posting. Sigh... I hope that you don't have a summer like you did last summer. You sure are a busy women! Love ya!

Lisa said...

Wow, sounds like you're going to have a very busy May! I think it's great that you have a nap time every day! I wish I did. ;)

Melanie and Jared said...

It's not boring to other people who want to know what's going on. I write posts and never add pictures so I never post them. I also take a nap every day and I love hearing other people do too!

Kara said...

I'm super boring myself and wonder how all those other women do it too. :) Go you for napping. I get one in almost every day, but I know how you feel when it doesn't happen. Take care in all your craziness! And thanks for posting, I like hearing about you and your family.