St. Patty's Design

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Ready for Kindergarten?

Jason got this helicopter for Christmas.  The girls love when he plays with it except when he tried to land it on their heads.  Thanks mom and dad!
 These are Whitney's paintings.  We only have one set of watercolors so the girls have to trade off.  There are definitely some discernible shapes in there.
 These ones are Haylee's.  Abstract mostly...
 Haylee just crawls into the stroller and goes to sleep in the middle of the day.
 These are some pages that Whitney did during a joy school session.  I was impressed.  I was teaching them that in Kindergarten, their teacher will want them to write their names with an upper-case first letter and then lower-case letters for the rest and I had all the kids practice it cause they just use capital letters.  Whit caught right on.
 These are a few friends the girls had over to play.  Pretty little people!
 Here is Whitney's first time completing the Dora puzzle solo.  It has funky shapes so I usually help her, but not anymore.  She wanted this picture cause she was so proud of herself.
And that's all.  I need to get the camera out some more.  Feeling a little guilty.


JeNnA said...

I think my very favorite is that Haylee crawls into the stroller and sleeps! And i do love the picture of the girls on the swing! Whitney sure is a smarty pants! I am always impressed!

Angela said...

I miss you. Time for another post..... :)