St. Patty's Design

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Since 1987

Yep, that's how long it has been!  So that makes it 24 years that I've known these ladies.  Christi and I have always known each other as long as we could know people.  We were probably in the same nursery class but Kierstin didn't join the fray until we were in first grade.  She completed the trio!  Thanks for coming over and not only helping me feel better, but doing those dishes that made me nauseous.  You guys motivate me to get my hair blond again so we can truly be Charlie's Angels...


JeNnA said...

Nothing like amazing friends! Wish I had a 6th sense and know when you need a favor...i'd be right over!

BrooksBlog said...

you guys are lookin GOOD!! Ive always admired one thing about my sister...her awesome friends!! LOL! Thanks for always being nice to me when I'd follow you around and try to be like you !!! :)

Amanda Tippetts said...

I liked having you around... just Kierstin didn't so much.