St. Patty's Design

Saturday, March 26, 2011


I went into the BYU game expecting nothing but when we tied the game at half time AND at the end of regulation, I got my hopes up only to see them dashed. Jimmer did his best but it wasn't enough and no one else contributed significantly. Oh well.

I did a three day fruits & veggies cleanse. I'm not so hard core as to only do juice or only eat apples or actually take anything to cleanse my colon. I just ate raw produce and drank naked juice. When I did it before, I had a knowledgeable advisor about fasts & cleanses guiding me and I did some research so I used only organic produce and certain drinks, but this time I just grabbed what looked good. I lost more weight the first time but I don't mind since that wasn't particularly my goal, only a nice side effect and it comes back on so fast after such things that it's not worth holding my breath.

I think I did my body some good but there's a lot of debate about that. As far as life goes, I found I was more cranky and less clear headed. I think I'll probably try something different next time I'm in the mood for such an adventure. My girls and husband should not have to suffer with me. I already knew that sleep deprivation (I didn't sleep well during the cleanse) and hunger grump me right out so I should have seen it coming.

We had the missionaries for dinner tonight. Imagine serving in PROVO! Talk about a unique missionary experience. I don't think they really get a chance to connect with people since they are covering two stakes. There are more stake presidents than missionaries in the mission boundaries. It would take them 8 weeks going to 3 sacrament meetings every Sunday to attend all the wards they cover... No wonder I've never seen them before. We served them an interesting fare... artichokes with butter for an appetizer, curry with rice for the main dish, and peach cobbler (baked in the dutch oven) with ice cream for dessert. They probably walked away with big question marks blinking in their minds and being glad they'd never see us again. My family ate enough to be sick afterwards so we liked it!

That's all!

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