St. Patty's Design

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Pictures and Joy School

I got together with a few other moms and we are doing a little school for our 3 year olds. Each of us took a month and we are teaching them once a week for 45 minutes. I'm not doing it until December which is a relief and Whitney loves it which I knew she would. She is so ready. I also figured out that she likes to have her hair curled so I use this little curling iron and just curl the few hairs that are stubbornly straight and it looks adorable! The picture doesn't do it justice. She likes to have her hair straightened also. Funny girl.
She plays pretend so much. The coffee table is her house and she hangs out under there a lot.
Can you imagine being so exhausted that you are looking for anything to lay your head on? I laughed pretty hard when I saw this. The poor girl!
One morning, before I went running, both girls woke up and I put them with Jason. When I got home, I grabbed the camera but Haylee woke up right before I got a picture. It was precious with all of them asleep.
What a sweet girl! I love that she is such a cheese ball. She smiles very willingly. Please don't change that Haylee.
Jason was really awake but Whitney slept through all of us talking and giggling in there. By the way, those pajamas are the best. I think the girls wake up when they are cold but these keep them warm and they sleep great!
So I've put conference on my shuffle and I listen to it pretty often. I used to tease my dad about doing that (he listens to conference while he exercises and while he works in the yard) but the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. He and I work the same in a lot of ways. We both need to exercise every day to feel good. We both get grumpy when we get hungry or tired. We both need a lot of consistent study & prayer to feel like we are living a good life and we try to improve but are still kind of hard to live with (sorry mom & Jason). We both believe everything has a place and go crazy when people don't put things away. It's a good thing he is pretty great cause I feel like I want to grow up to be like him and I can look up to him and figure out myself. Anyway, small tribute to dad.


Anonymous said...

Your little girls are absolutely adorable! Isn't being a mom the best?! And I can totally relate with you on being a "daddy's girl" because I am the same way!

Rebecca said...

So cute Amanda! I love when the kids jump in bed with us sometimes in the morning.