St. Patty's Design

Monday, October 4, 2010

Haylee... One happy active kind of girl!

Well, it is all unpacked and we are pretty much settled. I even have the Halloween decorations up. It was so expensive to move that Jason and I are doing a super frugal month to make up for filling our fridge with condiments and our cupboards with the baking essentials (not to mention the moving truck and the deposit on our apartment). It's amazing how it adds up. My girls seem to be having a good time. We know where all the close parks are and can walk to the store. I only have a car in the mornings and it is hard work getting three ladies out the door before about 10 o'clock so we spend a lot of time on foot.

I'm working on renewing my Utah State Teaching License. I hope to find something small I can do to give us a little extra money to save. We have so many big things coming up. We need to get out of debt and save up for grad school. Then there's the long-term goals of getting a car for me, saving a down payment on a home and having more kids (those expensive little things!).

I've been having all these conflicting thoughts about home schooling vs. public school. I get the benefits of both and hope that I can figure it out in the next couple of years. Whitney already wears a backpack around and talks about going to school when she turns 4... I don't remember telling her that she was going to preschool but she's ready! Luckily, during general conference, one speaker suggested we turn to the prophets for questions regarding education, so that's my next plan. I also got the impression that for now, I should just be mindful of ways to enrich my children's public education because I'm just not in a place where I could do school all day long with them. I think they'd hate my guts! I have that effect on people in general...

Miss Haylee is learning to mimic words. It's so fun to hear her versions of words like "bapa" (backpack) and she says some things so clearly! It's just fun. This one day, Haylee was particularly mischievous. She looks so cute doing it that I took a lot of pictures. Here's the money pix... classic Haylee. This first one, she is just chillin'. She turns it on when the camera turns on. Cheesy!
We have an impossible time keeping her from pushing and pulling on every part of our computers. She knows she isn't supposed to touch them, but she thinks it is so fun when she gets caught, that she always hurries back for more.
She walked around for about half an hour with this bucket on her head. That's just where buckets go apparently.
We did get a love seat from a tent sale outside I.M.Home. I was looking for a used love seat but it was so fun to get this one new and for a good price. Whitney decided she was going to sleep on it but it looks like she only made it half way.
My good friend, Christi, came to visit and next thing I knew, both of my girls' flocked to her.

Anyway, things are going well. Jason has a new job teaching English to Chinese people online, but is still on the hunt for jobs involving Chinese or teaching or both. He's getting a lot more hunter-ish (aggressive and determined) with the job searches and I know he'll find the right thing.


The Whites said...

Hope you guys fund the jobs you want soon. And its very hard to get three girls ready in the morning!

Mindy B said...

Haha! Try getting 4 girls out the door every morning (wink, wink). Glad you guys are getting settled and yes, moving is expensive!! Good luck with the job hunting.

Angela said...

I need to see you guys!!! Haylee is getting so big and I've only seen her a handful of times. I'm glad you are closer now and know everything will work out.

BrooksBlog said...

Amanda! I always peek in on your cute blog! Your girls are soooo cute!!! Love seeing what they are up to! What that huge mansion in the background...your new house ;)????

Amanda Tippetts said...

It's Pittock Mansion in Portland. Gorgeous! And it has trails all around it. You should check it out. Miss the Northwest already!