St. Patty's Design

Monday, September 13, 2010

The Basement Apartment!

We found an apartment right on Center St in Provo! We've been here for almost a week and there are still so many boxes to go. Today I'm hoping to break into the book boxes. We didn't know for sure where the bookshelves were going to go so all the books are just in a corner... It's been fun to get all my stuff back out. It was like Christmas. I didn't remember that I even had a lot of it. I have such a long list of things to get though. I think I'm going to have to space it out over a few months or we'll be out of money! It's fun to come up with creative solutions to some of the storage issues and I'm pretty much reveling in my own place-ness. One bummer thing is that our couch didn't fit through the doorway. It ended up going to Jason's grandma and I'm happy that she likes it, but we are couchless. So, if you hear of a sectional or love seat someone is trying to get rid of, think of me.


Kim said...

Amanda Tippitts! We miss you in Washougal! We are having presidency meeting tonight and I wish you were going to be there! Good luck with the new apartment. Send us the address! ~

Erynn Marie said...

Hooray hooray for the day! I'll let you know of any stray furniture I find around--that's how we got all of ours! And we must get together soon. I don't mean, like, someday. I mean like now! I'm so excited to see you!

Kierstin said...

Glad you're enjoying your place. I think the best part about moving is rediscovering what you have and tossing the junk.