St. Patty's Design

Monday, June 21, 2010


This is a pretty fun moment I'm having. I'm letting Haylee eat all kinds of stuff with just a diaper on her body and she's getting it all over the place. Adorable. Whitney is sitting next to her enjoying her own food. They are the best!

Three weeks ago today, I landed on another girl's foot while we were playing volleyball and sprained my ankle pretty stinkin' bad... That following weekend was the half marathon I've been training for so I sent my friend to run it for me so my fee wouldn't go to waste. I haven't run since then. People keep saying that I can just run another half marathon later, but it was a big deal for me to get ready for this one. Now the thought of training all over again is the opposite of appealing and I can't even get myself up in the morning to ride my bike much less test my ankle doing a run. Wa wa wa! That's me crying.

Jason and I celebrated our 5 year anniversary. Yay! We went to the temple and out to eat at Olive Garden which is a tradition for us. Then we went shopping at the mall (which means we went to JC Penney where we had a $10 coupon). I love that guy! My mom was fabulous and babysat for our marathon date. Haylee turns one this Saturday. Life is moving so fast.


Becky said...

I'm so sorry about your half marathon!!! I think I would be the same way. Training is hard and takes time which we don't have a lot of, right? Wish we could get together and run!! That'd be fun. Or do tae bo like the freshman days, right?? :)

Angela said...

Happy Anniversary! Sorry to hear about your ankle. What a bummer! Are you healing alright or is this a twist that won't be healing any time soon?

..telicia.. said...

Yay! Happy Anniversary! :) Bummer on the sprained ankle... I was just thinking 'I wonder when Haylee turns one?!'. How exciting! That definitely flew by- seems like you just had her. :) The pictures of the girls are adorable. Makes me excited for Evelyne to have her baby sister. :)

Kim and company said...

I am soooo happy for blogs----so I can peek in on your blessed and happy life! Happy anniversary! McKendra would LOVE to babysit for you! Bishop and I think your girls are beautiful! Sorry about your ankle, what a disappointment---but you are awesome to even be training and going for it! I am with you sis----time truly goes so fast. Good thing it's fun!!