St. Patty's Design

Sunday, December 18, 2011

I need Christmas Break Already!!!

The end of term comes and general panic ensues.  The school board has us going clear until this Wednesday, the 21st.  I think it is because they wanted to make first and second semesters more equal which I get but I've already given all my finals so these next few days are really a waste.  I just want them to go quickly.  I am so ready for my Christmas Break to really start.  

I also threw a little preschool Christmas party.  Here are the eight in attendance.  
It was exhausting... but two hours later, their moms came and no one was hurt or crying or fighting and in general fun was had by all.  I took these pictures so we could make ornaments and ended up just giving them to my friends so they could make them with their kids when they got home cause we ran out of time.  Cute kids.  They especially liked "Santa Says" and "Who is under the blanket" which were the only things that took no preparation.  Let a lesson be learned from that!  

And finally, there were men in our Relief Society today!  My dad, and grandpa Garth.  That's right!  I brought my entire family to hear my RS lesson.  They were my posse.  Actually, I asked my dad to play his violin and who doesn't want to come and hear that!  He played beautifully and the girl I asked to accompany him did such a great job.  I expected her to just play the hymn and she made up her own arrangement!  I pulled a "Karen" and made ornaments for all the ladies too.  So like my mom, except mine were paper and popsicle sticks and hers probably would have been blown glass...  My friend, Jenna, gave me the best compliment.  She told me that they looked around during the lesson and everyone was actually paying attention!  I think I might have done OK then.

One more week until Christmas!  YAY!!!


JeNnA said...

you did amazing! Best lesson of the year! love ya girl... sure gonna miss ya!

Angela said...

Wow! You sure have been busy. Where do you get your energy? I want to know your secret!

Lisa said...

I can't believe you'll be in school through tomorrow! I feel like my girls have already been home for two weeks, and it's only been two days. ;)