St. Patty's Design

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Pictures... Finally!

I hooked my camera up and had over 300 hundred pictures on it. So I was taking pictures just not using them. So here you go! We got the PASS OF ALL PASSES (pretend that was on a grand announcer voice, I always do) and we spent some time at Trafalga on Jason's day off. Poor Whitney had been sick the night before but managed to pluck up to play. I don't know if you can tell, but there was a little girl in another boat that kept pounding Jason in the head with her squirt gun. It was pretty funny to watch. He finally figured out how to get her back and sprayed her down good before the end.
Go karts.
Haylee got more wet than either of them even though she wasn't in a boat.
Whitney started dance classes this week. As you can see, we missed the memo on the pink everything that ballerinas-to-be are supposed to wear. She loved it.
I always take pictures of them sleeping. I was just in the kitchen doing dishes or something when I came in and found them like this.
These are all the messy faces pictures. My girls have very healthy appetites.

These are the church dress pictures. I was proud of this hair do on Haylee. It was totally falling out before we got home but it was stinking cute about 3 hours before church when I did it.


Melanie and Jared said...

I LOVE that pic of them sleeping! How do they do that? It's amazing how different the girls look and they are getting so big!

JeNnA said...

I also love that picture of them sleeping. its sooo funny! And I love that a lilttle girl was squirting Jason in the face. Nathan had the same thing happen to him, except a little boy! LOL

The Jones Family said...

Your girls are soo stinking adorable!! I cant' believe how big they are getting! Do you guys ever come to vegas to visit?? We'd love to see you again! PS- LOVE the hairdo!! I need to learn how to do that... for my future daughters... ;)