St. Patty's Design

Thursday, June 2, 2011

I am 30!

So we spent my birthday weekend up in Deer Valley and IT SNOWED!!! It snowed all weekend and we felt like we should be singing Christmas Carols and snuggling up in blankets. I'm Ok with leaving my 20's behind and hope the next decade brings us great adventure and joy! I feel very blessed. All weekend, we ate great food. My brother, Zach, came up from Cali for my niece's graduation and for my birthday and I was so glad to be able to spend some time with him. He and I are kindred spirits as Anne Shirley would say. He helped up the ante with the food.

Whitney doesn't have any cousins on the Rollins side that are her age but this sweet nine year old plays with her and uses the age difference as more variety in their pretend games. Brittney rocks and Whitney absolutely adores her.

This may get me in trouble and really he had full approval, but while up at the cabin, Jason went shopping, alone and bought himself shoes, 2 shirts, and some swimming trunks. It was my birthday but I didn't feel well and didn't want anything that he could get me. You know how it is ladies. You have to try on things like jeans and skirts... And in his defense, he really did need all the things he bought for himself and he had a good time doing it.

Mom and dad take the cake for generosity. They spoil me silly. Not only did they come and help me arrange my living room, they bought me awesome birthday presents (a camera and roses) and they came again and helped me fix up my yard, hooking me up with yard tools and beautiful flowers to plant all around. They are the best and my girls absolutely adore them. In fact, today Haylee asked for them and I can't think of when she's asked for anyone...

Mom also made me two cakes! A skor bar cake and a strawberry cake. She knows my tastes and it was delicious.

Now it is back to reality. Our new apartment is close to being where it needs to be. We still have some unpacking and decorating to go but it is pretty comfortable. Whitney's joy school is officially over. I gave the kids a little ending party and let them watch a short movie with popcorn and cookies. It was such a great experience to teach those little ones and Whitney loved it the whole time. I want to convince the same ladies to do it again next year with me! I can't believe we only have one more year until kindergarten... Oh man! School is over and summer is on! Yeah!

1 comment:

Reinhardt Family said...

Congratulations!!! Looks like you had a fantastic birthday!!!