St. Patty's Design

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Fathers' Day!

I have these great men in my life. Dad, Jason, my brothers, Jason's brother and dad! Way to go men. I teased Jason that Father's Day means "the day you don't have to be a father." He just doing the fun dad things today not the unpleasant ones and it has been a good day! I'm lucky to have a husband that is willing to jump in when things aren't so pleasant and that manages to make things that are normally painful fun somehow.
We also celebrated our 6th anniversary yesterday. My sister watched our girls overnight and it was great to have a real date where we didn't have to rush home because of a babysitter. We still got home before midnight and were both wiped out. There was also something so nice about waking up in the morning and just doing whatever I wanted to do. It was a nice break and it was really fun to go and pick up the girls and get big hugs.
I'm devouring books since it is summer time. Thanks to goodreads, I have a "to read" list that will keep me busy at least for a couple months. I got a calling to teach the 4th Sunday every other month. What a cooshy calling! They are pretty desperate for enough callings for everyone in our ward but I think I lucked out.

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