St. Patty's Design

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Lots of Changes

Well, it's true... things are changing. My girls just turned 1 and 3. I'm running again despite the wussy ankle thanks to my faithful running partner, Tanis. Haylee burned her hands on the fireplace. It stalled the progress she was making learning to walk. I'll have to post a picture of her bandaged hands. Sad story. Jason is gone on the fifty miler with the Scouts until Saturday and then is heading to Utah on Tuesday to get things set up for us to move there. Monitronics won't allow him to be a dealer anymore with changes in their policies so it's time for change. I'm sure everyone agrees. I blonded my hair again despite the high maintenance-ness of it. I stopped nursing Haylee Bo Baylee and for the first time since getting pregnant-a with Whitney, I am my own woman.

Anyway, I just have not blogged and it needed to be done. Perhaps pictures with the next one.


Kara said...

Well change is a good thing though I have to really remind myself about it especially lately. So sorry about Haylee's hands! I hope everything heals nicely. Good luck with your move and yea for being an independent woman again--though that's kind of a lie since your girls are only 1 and 3 :)--enjoy it anyway!

Rebecca said...

Poor Haylee! But that is great news that you guys are moving here! Where are you going to be?

Amanda Tippetts said...

I think we'll be in the Provo/Orem area. Jason wants to work with some of the Chinese language programs there.

Becky said...

I wanna see pics of your hair. And I wanna see you when you move here! I'm still in spanish fork. and my kids are almost 4, 2, and 3 months. We'll have great fun! :)