St. Patty's Design

Friday, April 23, 2010

Addicted to... ?

I think that I am addicted to running. I didn't believe it was possible when I began. Everyone said that after a while, I'd actually start to like it but I think that my body now requires it. I missed the last two days and they were terrible. I was tired and lazy and unmotivated. I ran this morning and I'm back on track. I've been working all day and I've been in a good mood. On top of having better days, I feel such a strong sense of accomplishment when I've finished a good run and it takes the least amount of time to get the best workout. I'm officially addicted. That being said, I'm glad that I have a running partner because there's no way that I could get up every morning and go by myself.

Haylee has finally gotten some teeth, 3 at once and 4 more on the way. Whitney had an ear infection. It was so hard to see her so lethargic and out of it. I'm glad she's better!


Angela said...

yes! Running is fabulous isn't it? Today I went for the first time in a while and it just feels good. Now you need to move close to me so we can be running partners!!!!

Rebecca said...

Way to go! The endorphins do great things!

Mindy B said...

I agree, it gets addicting! I HATED it at first, but when you don't go, the day doesn't go as well. I cannot WAIT to get back to it after this kid!! Enjoy your running!!