St. Patty's Design

Thursday, December 18, 2008


Soooo, I've had a few questions about this prego business. Turns out I'm due on the 27th of June and we still have a while before we find out what we are having but for shizzle we'll find out cause that's how we do it! I felt super sick and tired and unmotivated with this pregnancy but I'm either getting used to it or getting over it now. I'm gaining more weight than I want to and showing so much earlier but I hear that's the norm and I'm trying not to obsess over it. That's about all!


The Jones Family said...

Wow - what is it about the 27th?? Rachel is due Jan. 27th, I'm due Feb. 27th, Your due June 27th and my sis, July 27th... guess everyone is on the same cycle or something! :)

Amanda Tippetts said...

That is funny... It's a special day because my birthday is May 27th too.